Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, 27 November 2012 - 132.0 lbs

Truth by Michael D'Antuono, 2012

Down 0.4 lbs from yesterday and at a new post-boot camp low. Marvelous.


white chocolate flavored coffee with coconut oil, teaspoon of cocoa, and full fat cream

2 1/2 eggs cooked in bacon grease, w/ salsa and full fat sour cream

2 1/2 slices of bacon

handful of nuts

turkey and havarti and full fat sour cream ranch dressing eaten all willy-nilly like

a piece of chocolate with wine in it. Some German stuff Heather brought home from the store. Yum.

'nother handful of nuts

handful of raspberries and strawberries with a splash of full fat cream

So Yahoo Health posted an interesting article yesterday called Cholesterol Myths that May Surprise You, and I was indeed surprised -- not at the myths that were busted, but rather at the happy realization that more and more mainstream news sources appear to be finally getting wise to the information those in the HFLC community have known about and been discussing for years. Good for them. Hope this stuff gets out to the folks who need to hear it.

(Part I, Part II)

Well, that was quite a cliffhanger we left off with yesterday, eh? So let's get right to it. What are we to make of Dr. Keys's findings? Well, we should probably consider all the data, and not just that which Dr. Keys chose to publish. To the left are the six countries Dr. Keys used to illustrate the correlation between dietary fat and heart disease mortality. To the right are the twenty-two countries for which the relevant data was available for Dr. Keys to pick and choose from -- and pick and choose he did!

Click me and I get bigger.
So what can we glean when taking into account the data Dr. Keys didn't? Here's a couple items that jump right out at me:
  • Mexico ate THREE TIMES the fat Japan did, yet had LOWER heart disease mortality.
  • The US and Sweden ate roughly the SAME amount of fat, yet the US had DOUBLE the heart disease mortality.
  • Chile and Israel ate roughly the SAME amount of fat, yet Israel had over FOUR TIMES the heart disease mortality.
  • France's intake of fat was slightly MORE than that of Australia, but Australia had over SIX TIMES the rate of death by heart disease.
  • And here's the big one: Finland had TWENTY-FOUR TIMES the heart disease mortality of Mexico, despite similar fat intake.
Folks, these observations are not mere insignificant anomalies; they are findings that fly directly in the face of Dr. Keys's hypothesis and critically undermine the good doctor's credibility. But even if all we had to go on were the six countries focused on in Keys's study, it is important to remember that correlation does not imply causation. Yet despite the challenges and skepticism from the scientific community that greeted Keys's paper, the media and the American Heart Association took his conclusions and ran with them and never looked back.

And here we are sixty years later...

Bonjour to whoever's dropping in from the land of wine and cheese! Bienvenue!

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