Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday, 10 November 2012 - 135.8 lbs

Cuddles at her debutante ball, on the arm of her chauffeur, Heintz
It's November 10th! I'm sure no one reading needs the reminder, but on the off chance someone out of the loop stops by, it's the 31st anniversary of Cuddles's Debutante Ball!!! Happy Anniversary of that, everyone!!! (Cuddles being the character played by Edith Massey in John Waters's 1981 film, Polyester, of course -- which I'm sure you all remember for its genius "Odorama" gimmick where movie goers were given scratch n' sniff cards so they could experience the smells in the film right along with its characters! Absolute brilliance is what that is.)

Front and back of the original 1981 "Odorama" card.

But on to news of a more somber note. I'm up again today -- 0.6 lbs from yesterday. Lotta good giving up dairy did me. On the bright side, I'm gonna bring dairy back. Which I already have. For breakfast, cooked up 2 eggs with a splash of coconut milk in bacon grease, covered em in sour cream and salsa and THEN I ATE THEM.

With 3 pieces of bacon.

But before I did all that, I actually went and worked out. Legs. I hate legs. The pain, the exhaustion, that rubberiness, the inability to conceal moans and whimpers of agony when climbing stairs in public places. Also did a little core and some worthless cardio.

I was telling Heather that my recent weight loss stall has corresponded exactly with my weight training, and she said maybe it's my body retaining water to nourish my thirsty, growing, soon to be massive muscles. And something about electrolytes. I don't know, but it sounded good. I hope that's what it is, because, man, it is irritating to stop losing weight at the exact moment you start exercising to accelerate weight loss. It's just all so stupid.

Anyway, took a trip to Bellingham so Heather could return some glasses and buy some stuff from Bath & Body Works (not gonna lie, that soap smells really good and I'd like to drink it up and probably would if I knew it was carb-free). On the way home, I had one of those Jack Links meat & cheese stick combo pack thingies. When I got home, I had a handful of nuts and a couple bites of the chicken salad I made yesterday to tide me over till dinner was ready. When dinner was ready, I ate it. It was a cabbage soup made with celery, onion, carrot, chicken and beef bouillon, and delicious, nutritious full fat SPAM. Oh, and cabbage.

(The spam pull tab came off the top before it was opened, and Heather threw a fit like a little titty-baby. God, what a child.)

Here's the original theatrical trailer for Polyester. I highly recommend it, but you won't like it. Trust me, you won't. But you should totally watch it, anyway. The movie, I mean. Also, the trailer, which is right here:

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